
Traditional investment banking is highly manual, expensive, and reliant on gatekeeping intermediaries. Products and services like structured products, direct listings, market making, and asset management are accessible only to the largest corporations and wealthiest investors. The financial agreements behind these offerings are executed behind closed doors. The institutions that underwrite them are systemically important, with dubious histories in risk management.

We believe that sophisticated, customized financial products and services should be available to all businesses and investors. DeFi makes it possible for certain financial services to be offered at almost no cost to the marginal investor. Instead of relying on intermediaries like paying agents, transfer agents, and centralized clearing and settlement depositories, investors can rely on code to automate the performance of the terms and conditions of financial agreements.

As such, we have leveraged the power of DeFi to develop software that democratizes investment banking services.

A few growing trends have led to the need for a decentralized investment bank:

  • DeFi activity becoming increasingly fragmented across various layer 1 blockchains

  • The rise of DAOs, which need many of the same financial services that investment banks provide traditional corporations, like help with capital raising, going public, treasury management, etc.

  • Growing interest from institutional and mainstream retail investors to deploy capital to DeFi, while needing help navigating the ecosystem and creating diverse portfolios with defined risk

We are rolling out various services that comprise a decentralized investment bank. We started by creating structured products on Ethereum. We then expanded to market making and direct listing services under the "liquidity-as-a-service" umbrella. We will continue to expand these initiatives as well as roll out passive DeFi-native treasury management and asset management services.

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