Ondo Finance: Decentralized Investment Bank

Ondo Finance is an open, permissionless, decentralized investment bank. Ondo's core business is to service and connect various stakeholders in the emerging DeFi ecosystem -- including DAOs and increasingly institutional and mainstream retail investors -- through fully on-chain services.

Ondo is both a bundler and an unbundler of DeFi products and services. We bundle together financial products from many protocols (and soon from across many blockchains). We then repackage and decompose these pools into exposures that fit what different types of investors are looking for. In doing so, we increase the amount and diversity of capital supply that DeFi is able to absorb.

The business model of Ondo is to intermediate and matchmake capital supply and demand, much like a traditional investment bank. However, Ondo differs from a traditional investment bank in a few important ways:

  • Ondo creates financial products from DeFi building blocks, meaning they execute according to open source code rather than opaque prose legal agreements. This avoids the need for back office staff and countless intermediaries and makes it possible for Ondo to provide its services at almost no marginal cost, making them accessible to even small investors.

  • Ondo's products interoperate with and typically sit on top of existing DeFi products, allowing for frictionless value transfer.

  • Ondo will be governed as a DAO and owned by a distributed set of participants, including by many of its users.

  • As a DAO, Ondo will have an incentive system to enable anyone to create a product or service or otherwise add value to the Ondo ecosystem and be rewarded for it. However, the DAO will still curate products in order to safeguard users.

  • Ondo has no investment minimums. Retail can access the same products and services alongside institutions.

Ondo is a decentralized investment bank accessible to anyone and that is owned by and exists to serve DeFi participants, including DAOs.

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